My Super Tree House

>> Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here's my latest derby entry for shirt.woot and probably my last. The people who vote are apparently really into dungeons and dragons and skulls and nickelback so I'm not sure that my style does well with the voters. Anyways, I'm going to redo this as a full color print and start selling children's art soon. Hope you like it.

super tree house


timcourtois August 15, 2009 at 11:40 PM  

D & D and Nickelback are awesome. But not nearly as awesome as that sweet treehouse. You should build that in real life for Liam to play in when he gets older.

Love you Andrew. MIss you.

Unknown January 12, 2014 at 12:17 AM  

That's great, I never thought about Nostradamus in the OR
graphic design
Hervey Bay

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